Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I am a MASS

I am such a mass, massive I mean. Now I am heading towards the mark of 32 weeks which is exactly 8 months of pregnancy. I have been carrying this little one which is not so little now for such a long period of time. I already forgotten what is the feeling like of having a slim and flat tummy. Now my tummy is so huge that my skin over stretches and it feels so painful even by lightly brushing against it. The feeling, SOAR! Not forgetting the all along problem for me, heartburn, never feel so uncomfortable in my whole life ever.

I hate climbing up the stairs, too bad my room is located on the second floor of the house. Therefore once I am in the living room, there seems no encouragement of any sort to climb up to my room. Vice versa. Last night that little one kicked my rib cage! I could feel my rib moved and that wasn't the nicest feeling, trust me. Her limbs must be very long by now.

Whenever Jeff knocks off from work he usually asked how was my day, even though we met during lunch time. My usual answer was I am fine, added with a smile. But today I couldn't lie to him, my tummy hurts as the little one has been quite active today. She might have placed her foot or both feet high up near my stomach which causes an acute prolong pain. To worsen the whole thing, my skin was really soar as if it was inflamed. I told Jeff in an unmotivated tone that I was in terrible pain... He sympathized me and told me that he won't let me go through another such episode after this one. (Believe him?)

I remembered my friend once told me that her husband said the exact same words when she was in the delivery room. Her husband saw her in server amount of pain and assured her that it will be the last time that she has to go through the labour process. Guess what happens, bingo! Just 2 years later she was found pregnant again... So the moral of the story is, don't trust your husband when he says he is going to stop at one child. :P

When will Kangaroo man ever happen?

Once you are pregnant in the 3rd trimester, especially, I have surrender to poor walking and sitting postures. You know I used to walk with very straight posture, head held up high, shoulders back and chest out. My legs closely together forming a straight line while I walked. NOW!~ I slouch like THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME, I walked like having huge balls in between my legs, wide open! I can no longer cross my legs while sitting, need to give way to that massive tummy weighing down on my pelvis, therefore also need to open my legs wide. Totally forget and forgo all the deportment, demeanor already.

现在的我以完全没仪态, 没仪态了!

No choice le, circumstances does not allow me to maintain deportment, or act as lady like as before. The environment compels, I have to raise my white flag!

Me at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Hip hip hurray, one more month to go!


Anonymous said...

:p.. quite scary to hear the pain & sufferings u r going thru but I'm sure that all is worth after delivery when u see ur darling in your arms.

Oh ya heard dat frm 7mths onwards need to start talking coconut juice so dat u will hv a better & smoother delivery. Might wanna try it gal.

Do take care ya! =) Jia you wor!! =)

TipPi said...

hi noelle.. happened to link to ur blog while blog-hopping.. although i dont know you, but i can feel the blessed feelings of you and ur hubby from the photos, esp with the addition of a new born soon! Do take care of your health =)


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