Monday, October 29, 2007

So this is the time

I just got back from my routine check, baby is 2kg already. Gynae said that baby's size is on the average side, not too big and not too small. Don't have much complaints and every visit to the gynae is like going to a fast food outlet, so speedy!

I am experiencing a lot of Braxton Hicks contraction, a tightening in the muscles of the uterus. Fortunately I do not suffer badly during BHC as it is usually painless, but it can be quite annoying as it tend to be irregular, and occur sporadically. It causes my stomach to become rigid and hard, thus stretching my skin tighter causing the discomfort and moderate pain. Although this rigidity typically lasts only for a few minutes, BHC is here to stay and the frequency will increase and last till labour.

The annoying part is,

when baby kicks, I get BHC,

when my bladder is full I get BHC

lack of fluid (dehydration) I get BHC

touching my baby also get BHC

see this face -__-'''

3rd trimester is the worst part of pregnancy, nose bleeding, gums bleeding, constipation, heartburn, breathing difficulties, palpitation, BHC... all part and puzzle of the last stage. Also I am eating like a pig now, so this is the time of GLUTTONY. I am beginning to believe that I have a BOTTOMLESS PIT that no matter how much food I ate, I get hungry in the next 1 1/2 hours time. Uncontrollable weight gain is phenomenon.

The weird part of my gluttony is that I don't enjoy eating huge potion of food every time, I prefer to have small frequent meals. Maybe this is the reason that I grew hungry spasmodically. You know what, I just measured the size of my tummy 2 days ago and it has grown to a humongous size of 103 centimeters! Do you know exactly how huge it is!!!

I had a dream few days ago, I dreamt that I had gone through the delivery and my baby weighs about 3.1kg and 63cm long! Wahahahah I told Jeff about my dream and he started laughing at me. He said that no new born will be that long, and it is impossible to have a 63cm baby in my tummy as there is no room for that length. Dreams are never going to be a reality, oh thank goodness for that!

Weekend was a feasting time for me and my family, on Saturday night we went to the 九王爷, ok I am so stuck... every year I go to the same temple to eat and watch 歌台,but I really don't know the purpose of it. Anyway just some photos to show:

Sunday we were invited by to Family International Buffet at Tampines Mall to celebrate a one year old baby girl's birthday. She is a distance relative of mine but I forgot to find out what's her name... bad me, only there for the food.

My proud grandmother.
My only brother, he is older than me ok, although he looks much younger... :P and my sister in law.

The star of the day and her mummy and daddy.
My mother with 2 lovely babies!
Look at Jeff, trying to show off his ability to carry 2 babies with both arms. He said he needed practice before our baby comes out. Looks like he is doing fine isn't he!


Anonymous said...

Your still as gorgeous!!!


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