Just got back from the hospital for my routine check up. Baby weighs about 2.7kg now, think it is the average size, not too big and not too small. It's the 36th week already, time flies! Many of my friends asked if I am nervous or have I started counting down to my delivery date. Of course I am nervous, I wish time fly faster so I can see my baby and also a big relieve for my body! I am so over stretched now, it hurts. Sometimes I wish she won't drag till the 21st December as I want an earlier relieve. I told Jeff it will be his responsibility to carry her around when she is out as I have been carrying her inside my body for 10 full months.
After delivery I am being promise lots of pampering, like going to facials, spas and hair salon. Therefore I can't wait for that to happen too! My major concern, unable to get rid of my pregnancy fats!
Jeff saw how baby kicks me and was shocked at the tremendous vibration on my tummy. He kept asking baby to be gentle and not to hurt me and obviously it doesn't work. I told him I will beat her backside when she is out. Imagine waking up every 2 to 3 hours to clear your bladder in the middle of the night followed by pacifying baby to sleep. Luckily I have the luxury to stay at home, if not I might go mad.
Went to Changi airport Terminal 3 open house on Sunday, it was really huge... will upload the photos tomorrow.
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