Monday, November 12, 2007

Nice afternoon tea

I just finished watching season 1 of HEROES last night, amazingly interesting fast action drama series. I absolutely love it to the max and I totally adore the script writer for coming out with such an idealistic drama yet seemly possible to happen. Sometimes I wonder if I have any natural ability to do something extraordinary to the world. Till now I am just ordinary. Haha, not that I care to be different or detest the fact that I am just a remotely ordinary pregnant woman counting down to the delivery of my baby.

This remotely ordinary woman enjoyed a nice afternoon tea with her hubby. Went Royal Copenhagen cafe at Takashimaya for some quality T&T (tea & Time). Love the atmosphere and their tea presentation on beautiful China.

Lovely delicious Prune Almond Cake.

Love the presentation on the table, beautiful China makes the mood beautiful too.

Lovely afternoon can never go without my dearest most lovable hubby! You complete my life! With you in my life, I don't mind to be just remotely ordinary.

Can't wait for season 2 of HEROES to be out in DVD!


Anonymous said...

hi noelle, sorry for being so rude to just leave a comment like tis.. i wonder how do you get to put the facebook logo or rather the ads on ur bloggy??


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