Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pregnancy Journey

This post is on the journey of my pregnancy dated way back in March 2007. Thanks to the fact that I love to take photographs of everything, I am able to pick out photos of myself and see my drastic transformation. It also serve as a motivation for me to get back to my pre-pregnancy figure. A reminder that I was slim before!!

Actually I should post this after delivery but was afraid that I would be too overwhelmed by everything and got no time to blog. I will be serving a one month "Jail Term" after baby pops so, since now I am still waiting and got nothing better to do I might as well do a summary now.

Photographs of me during different stages of pregnancy:

March 2007
I was already 2 weeks pregnant, but didn't find out yet. Still remembered I was dressing up to go Devils bar for their last night of operation. Oh my god... I had lots of drinks that night too.

April 2007
3 weeks pregnant, happily eating korean food at 大长金 located at Keppel road. Drank ginseng wine... :P coz didn't know I was pregnant then.

4 Weeks pregnant, went to watch Jolin Concert with Miko.

Went Pasir Gudang race track with hubby when I was already 4 weeks pregnant. Was the co-driver then and experienced fainting spells and urge to vomit after gotten out of the race. Didn't know I was pregnant then, thought the discomfort was due to the race and bumpy ride in the car.

April 11 2007, the day I found out that I was pregnant. Bought a pregnancy test kit at Guardian pharmacy and immediately went home to do the test. I was already 4 weeks pregnant. Went for my 1st check up on the 23 April 2007.

May 2007
7 weeks pregnant

8 weeks pregnant
Once I found out that I was pregnant, I was bared from wearing heels.
Went for my first prenatal visit on the 7 May 2007, fetus measured at 1.2cm and got the EDD date for delivery on the 21 December 2007.

9 weeks pregnant

10 weeks pregnant

June 2007
11 weeks pregnant

12 weeks pregnant. This was the time that I heard my baby's heart beat on the 12 June 2007. Her heart beat was at a rate of 160 per minute, twice the speed of an adult. It was amazing, sounded like a tu-tu train!

14 weeks pregnant

15 weeks pregnant

July 2007
Tummy started to show at 17 weeks, and on the 18 weeks of pregnancy I felt baby's first movement.

20 weeks pregnant, gaining appetite and slowly gaining weight.

August 2007
21 weeks pregnant, found out baby's gender on the 6 August 2007. It's a GIRL!

22 weeks pregnant.
It was hubby's birthday and we went on a short boat trip to Kusu Island and had High tea at the Imperial Zheng He cruise.

23 weeks pregnant, size of the tummy was getting bigger.

September 2007
25 weeks pregnant

27 weeks pregnant

28 weeks pregnant

October 2007
Tummy size at week 29

30 weeks pregnant, looked really bloated in this photo.
Baby weight about 1.1kg during this period.

31 weeks pregnant, 1st maternity dress

32 weeks pregnant

33 weeks pregnant
Baby weight about 2kg at during this period.

November 2007
34 weeks pregnant

35 weeks pregnant
Baby weight about 2.7kg during this period.

36 weeks pregnant, notice I could still wear this top which I wore during my 12 weeks pregnancy? All in all I only bought 4 maternity dresses, most of the time I wore yoga pants, and big tees at home.

December 2007

Just did a scan on the 38 weeks of pregnancy, baby already weighs 3kg and she is ready to come out any moment! I am waiting....

I missed my beautiful dresses, missed my high heels and missed my figure!!!
I put on a total of 16 kg throughout my pregnancy. Surprisingly I do not have any special cravings for certain kind of food, instead Jeff had all the cravings! I wasn't the only one putting on weigh, he too had added on extra pounds during these 10 months. I jokingly told baby that she is going to see a fat mummy and a fat daddy when she pops.


9 months later and 16 kg of additional weight


I want back my looks 9 months ago! :P


Anonymous said...

Aiyo...not much difference la. You are those slim type so sure can go back to olden days ya.
My genes are fat & short lo, double afraid then u.
You still mei mei la, you really dress well even though u are pregnant lor

Noelle Ng said...

You don't know one le, this kind of thing difficult to say. Now I have thunder thighs and lightning calf and big love handle oh oh and wide butt. These are so difficult to shag off areas. You don't worry now, still young!

Anonymous said...

i wonder if those malay massages will help. But u really look so slim during the first few months! It's only towards the ending part then you start to gain some weight!

Anonymous said...

Left 12 days to go..
I m feeling excited for u...
u going for natural, or C-section babe???

Noelle Ng said...

I am trying for natural birth, wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey Noelle,

heard dat if natural birth try not to use the ephidural (dunno if it's correct spelling?? :p) coz it might lead to some not so good things abt bb's health in the future.

as for you figures 9mths back, get ur hubby to sponsor u to those slimming centres after birth lah heee...

anyway kudos *salute* to u the greatest mummy to be ya :D all the best ya :))

*Ginger-cat* said...

Dun worry a thing sweetie,
you still look great! All the best!

Anonymous said...

good luck!!

i just give birth to a baby girl last month, natural w/o epidural...
all i can... PAIN~~

but once u see ur girl, u will forget abt the pain... ;)

Noelle Ng said...

Wah without epidural! You have a great endurance on Pain. My threshold is not big, so I definitely will need epidural to assist on my delivery.

Anonymous said...

haha.. cos at first the pain was bearable, so i tot i can TAHAN. but an hr before my baby is out, i really wanna give up.

for my 1st child, i had epidural.. so not much pain.


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