Saturday, April 26, 2008

Laughing Natalie

My Natalie just had her 2nd immunization yesterday. She is now heavier than a 5kg pack of rice weighing about 6.7kg. The funny thing is, the Ped said that she is under weight and the ideal weight for babies of 4 month should be at 7.5kg. When I heard that I was kinda affected, started to blame myself for not taking good care of her. The mother's self blaming guilt started to bite on me so hard that I wasn't able to concentrate on my clinical papers.

Anyway after seeking some 2nd /3rd/4th opinions from experience mothers and doctors, they told me that my baby is not under weight. There is no major concern about her health and her weight doesn't pose any threat that she is not growing healthily. Her motor skills are well developing and she can respond spontaneously at different sights and sounds.

After hearing that, I finally let down my guard.
A video of Natalie laughing so very loudly when I was playing peek a boo with her on the floor mat.

If you have the time you may want to take a look at it, I guarantee you will laugh with her too!


Anonymous said...

she soooooo cute!!!

Anonymous said...

she is very very the cute!!


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