Many women has known to be able to multi-task and I have absolutely no doubt about my multi-tasking ability. Until yesterday, I realised some times we need to concentrate on doing one thing at a time if not you will be in for a BIG SHOCK and disgust!
My usual routine at work comprises of going to the toilet to let off my digested waste, so as per normal I was in the toilet doing my business. While doing so I was also sending out smses to my dear friend, setting up lunch appointment. Being expert at multi-tasking, I don't find anything wrong with it as I have done it many times, sometimes playing games on my mobile phone, listening to mp3, smsing or doing all the above concurrently with letting off waste every time. Not anymore after yesterday....
I DROPPED my few months old phone into the toilet bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was disgusting but I had to stand up and dug my right hand into the waste and scoop out my poor phone..... *Facial expression = :~S priceless....
NB &*&%^$^&&*(&$&*R(*&~!!!!!!!
Once it was out of the bowl I placed it on the floor and carry on my business. What can I do, I haven't finish shitting mah!!!!!! SO ANGRY! Angry for my carelessness, angry for leaving a hole behind my butt at the toilet seat allowing my phone to slip right in! Didn't expect my phone to be that mobile!!! I further tarnish that poor phone with soap and rinsed it under running water for the next 10 minutes....
Now it is completely dead.... I had no choice right? Don't wash meh????
Lesson learnt!
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