Sunday, December 6, 2009

Little Lizabeth's 1 Year Old birthday

It is definitely a happy occasion to see little babies celebrating their birthday day. My little niece Lizabeth is turning 1 next week and we had a pre celebration today at Long Beach Seafood restaurant at East Coast Park. It is a mixture of feelings, happy and sad... sad for the obvious reason that I am getting older... cannot defy nature...

Natalie looking at the live seafood in Long Beach.

She is getting difficult to take a decent photo with her, she struggles all the time.

See, she doesn't look into the camera anymore.

My happy father with the birthday girl in his arms.

Happy young grandparents.

My cousin Nicole.

My grandmother, which means she is Natalie's Great Grandma. She has always been very proud to be a great grand mother amongst her sisters and friends.

Reese and her baby sister Lizabeth. They look very alike don't they? They are 2 years apart.

Nice birthday cake from Bengawan Solo.

Lizabeth was so delighted when everyone started singing to her, she was a real star!

In another 2 weeks time, it's little Natalie's 2 years old celebration! See I am getting older... my baby is turning 2~! Hehehe


Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Hehehe, nice pics noelle. Wish i could be there.
Thanks for posting.

Yea, lisabeth and reese look so alike!!!

Plz post nat birthday pics too ^^

How is everyone? Please take care and lotsa love from Germany



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