Monday, September 17, 2007

Arctic Tale

The same director that brought you March of the Penguins and researchers from National Geographic, now comes another great movie about the life of Polar Bears and Walrus living in the Arctic. I am a movie fan of March of the Penguins and therefore I will definitely not miss the chance of watching Arctic Tale. If not for the great success from March of the Penguin, Arctic tale will not be on the big screen. It was film during 2005 by a group of researchers studying the lives of animals living in the Arctic. This movie is very educational, entertaining and touching, if you are an animal lover I guarantee you will love this movie like I did.

The movie is narrated by Queen Latifah as tells the story about Nanu a polar bear cub and Seela a baby walrus. I love the part when Nanu and her twin brother was playing in the snow and suddenly her twin brother fell, making a very loud Ahhhhhhhhhh sound. It was so adorable, that was my first time hearing a baby polar bear's voice.

These creature weighs 2000 over pounds, and feeds on 4000 clams. Here comes the hilarious part when digestion kicks in, the whole herd of Walrus will simultaneously farts and burps. Walrus do things in a herd, they hunt together, sleep together and .... farts together.. hahaha!

Polar Bears can be considered as kings in the Arctic. They live on ice, swim in ice-water and are quite comfortable in a blowing wind of zero degrees. They have one of the strongest senses of smell on the planet. These bears can smell the scent of a seal through three feet of ice. Amazing but true, see it for yourself.

Although they have no lethal enemies and can smell and eat anything that moves within miles, they are now being classified as endangered species in the world. What poses the threat to them? Global warming and the continued thinning and breaking up of the Arctic ice. As the ice breaks up, the bears have fewer places to roam, hunt and give birth. As their territory shrinks, they are isolated from their prey and forced to abandon their birth place and swim for miles in icy cold sea under sub-zero temperatures. In one of the scene, you will be able to see the whole herd of Walrus and Nanu swam for weeks in search of a place to hunt and rest.

Sometimes they don’t survive the swim. The above photo shows the 2 year old Nanu almost drown as she has been swimming for weeks without food and rest, fortunately she found a floating piece of ice hard enough for her to take a break before she continued her journey.

I am truly amazed and touched by Arctic Tale, do you know that Arctic may loose all their ice by the year 2040? Do support the movie and not to forget support the move on Saving Gaia. Go green.



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