Thursday, October 4, 2007

29 weeks Pregnant

My baby weighs about 1.1kg, Dr says she is average in size. She is really active nowadays, I love talking to her when she moves around in my tummy. She even tickles me while I was about to sleep, Jeff asked how can I get to sleep when she tickles and moves around whole night. I don't, I usually wait till she settles down before me. Anyway I have the whole morning to catch up on my sleep therefore I really don't mind late night sleeping.

Jeff surprised me with a diamond ear ring today! He said it is to reward me and also a form of encouragement for me as I have come so far and endured the hardship of pregnancy. He felt very apologetic that I have to suffer all the aches and pains and the sacrifices I have to make. Therefore he has been cracking his head on how to make me happy and let me feel that it's all worth while.

Thank you so much my love, you have great taste and so generous. I am mesmerized by such an expensive gift, can't keep my eyes off it!

Jeff has been working very hard bringing in extra income back. Not only is he a very capable sole bread winner and he is also very generous to let me keep all his earnings he got from deals he made in properties.

During lunch today he kept looking at a table across ours. I asked him what's so interesting as the table sat a mother in her thirties with her 2 kids.

Jeff: That's what rich Tai Tai does everyday, drives around picking up kids after their school and bringing them to restaurants for lunch. Send them back, go hi tea, manicure, facial, spas...

I just nodded my head.

Jeff continued saying something that really almost made me cry.

Jeff: I won't let you wait very long one, I will work very hard to let you enjoy this kind of life too.

Can you see that I am wearing the diamond ear ring?

It's good to be rewarded or pampered, especially when the reward is in the form of diamonds. What did they say about diamonds being a girl's best friend! Well I wish my marriage with Jeff can be as strong as the hardness of a diamond.


~*Joanne*~ said...

Wow, you have really nice, sweet, caring and appreciative husband.

Keep it up, Jeff!

Anonymous said...

wow! envys!!
been reading ur blog, u r really a v xin fu woman. ;)
the diamonds looks big! 1 carat on each side? ;)

Anonymous said...

so xin fu!!Being a tai tai is every women's dream!!Must find a rich man like yours to achieve my dream....

Noelle Ng said...

Hi ladies, being a tai tai is really very relaxing and enjoyable, but the most important is to marry the right guy and not a rich guy. I didn't marry a rich guy, he isn't rich but he is the right guy and the guy who is willing to pamper and spend on me. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I think if you don't have a rich husband, you can't be a tai tai right.


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