Monday, October 1, 2007

Fare well, Elizabeth!

Our KTV session ended with a little bit of sadness surrounding us that night, to part with someone you know is hard. Moreover knowing that chances of meeting up with the person will not be as easy as before.

Elizabeth is back in Ipoh now, should be busy preparing her wedding which will be held on the 11th November 2007. I am utterly disappointed that I couldn't make it to her wedding, sigh... no choice since now my important mission to keep myself safe and healthy and await for my baby's delivery.

Here I wish Elizabeth all the best and congratulations on her wedding. I am sure she is going to be the prettiest bride on the night of her wedding!

A group of beautiful and wonderful people. Hope you ladies enjoyed yourself that night!

The only torn among the flowers that night, Mr Paul Lim.

Since it's Elizabeth's fare well, we cannot miss the chance of taking photos with her.

Look at her, so radiant in every photos!

Kisses, must remember our kissses ok!

They are so amazed at my big tummy that they cannot keep their hands of it! hahaha.

Julia, Paul, Shelly and me shared money to get Elizabeth a pendant necklace, I was the one given the honorable duty to select the gift, therefore I chose this diamond cross pendant for our dear Elizabeth. Being a Catholic, Elizabeth will sure like it.
Julia said we should put on the necklace for her, so that she will remember us and also symbolise that she is being tight down by us! hahaha. That was a very touching moment, Elizabeth was trying very hard to hold back her tears, on the other end of the room, Julia was silently weeping... sob sob.

Let's see our beautiful bride to be photos!

Chio bu!



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