Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Inter-Faith & Racial Harmony Dinner 2007

This year's Inter-Faith & Racial Harmony Dinner was held in Singapore Expo Hall 1 & 2 and with a very important special guest of honor, our Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong. I wasn't informed about this dinner till the very last minute, asked my dad what time must we be there and he told me Mr Lee Hsien Loong will be there at 8pm so we have to reach the venue before that. I paused for awhile, huh we going dinner with our PM? Anyway this event was really a huge one, with 1090 tables all together, meaning to say there were 10,900 people that night.

My hubby and little Reese, my daughter's 表姐。

Tight security at the entrance, they worry I might have weapons hiding inside my tummy. No choice la, PM is our country's main pillar, all the guards and police need to do their job. Therefore no one is spared.

Look at the amount of people.

This was just hall 1.

Wu Shu performance

Power! 刀枪不入!

Leaders of different religious group.

Our PM arrived at 8pm sharp.

Handed over a cheque fo $500K for charity.

Another $100k cheque for charity.

Our PM received 2 calligraphies from the organiser.

Dinner Menu:


Anonymous said...

Is the food nice?

Noelle Ng said...

The food is quite average, but I must say they did a great job. It is definitely not easy to cook for 1090 tables!

Lady in Waiting said...

been following your journey to motherhood for awhile. when you didnt update, i thought you've given birth!

excited for you. :)


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