Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lazy to blog

It's been awhile since my last entry, blame it on the weather, it's so unpredictable. This is bullshit, it's plain laziness. I have so much to blog about, so many photos to show, but too little time to blog. Nowadays my only blogging time is during the night, when Natalie is already asleep. I have certain fear of turning on the internet, I fear I will prolong my time online and delay my sleep. Therefore when rationale too over me I choose sleeping over blogging.

It's been awhile since I last went out on a girls night with my friends, received a call from Vivienne and she had arranged a gathering at Ice Cold Beer, Emerald Hill for a quick drink. I am so glad that I have an understanding husband and a great helper at home.

A short meet up and drinking session with my lady friends. Conincidentally there was a color code that night, 2 blacks and 2 blues...

Vivienne and I.

In case you miss Natalie more, I uploaded a picture taken with her last week. She is getting very active, takes more than 10 minutes to change her diaper, towel dry, change. I wonder if anyone of us is able to handle her when she starts to crawl... love her to the max!


Kierra said...

natalie has grown so much already.. you look great.


Anonymous said...

Pretty mama and lovely princess =)


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