Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Celebration

I loved this time of the year, the fact that it has many holidays contributed to that. It's a season of giving, it's a time we eat without guilt, it's a time to enjoy and relax with a valid reason. I spent my Christmas with the same group of people for the 2nd year and enjoyed myself. I remembered last year's Christmas I won a Tiffany necklace from my company's Christmas draw. This year I was 2nd time lucky, in fact luckier!

This is my office and my fun loving colleagues! Sherli, me, Diana, Joanna and Grace.

Last year I chose the number 21, and that number came with a Tiffany necklace. 21 was Natalie's birth date. This year I chose number 12, it was Jeff's birth date. Guess what, this year I won the 2nd price. It was a 2 weekend nights stay at the Grand Room at Grand Hyatt Hotel! It's valid for 12 months!

Sherli won the 3rd price, it was a Gucci wallet. We were the top 3 winners. First price was a JAL ticket to Japan, single. I prefer my price! It's the best gift for me!

After that we had a Christmas buffet dinner at the Marriott hotel. We had free flow of wine and whole lot of food selection. The buffet spread was alright, still prefer the one we had last year at Ritz Carlton. Well at least we get free flow of wine that night!

Cam whoring again before dinner.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! May we have many celebrations together!



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